Sunday, June 27, 2021

TODAY IN HISTORY: Zimbabweans Remember 27 June 2008

By Lloyd Takawira 

With a " 100% total empowerment" campaign matra and a 27 June VaMugabe muoffice !!! 

Recounts of some of the horror memories of victims of the bloodbath that preceded what was a solo run by the late nongenarian Zanu PF party leader Robert Mugabe are mournful 

 "27 June !!! VaMugabe mu office!!! . Pamberi nehondo !!! Pasi nevatengesi " thunders the late Major Svoswe .

As the major sat down , then  rose , the feared Godfrey Nyikadzino he started to sing , with thunderous voice he sang : " Hondo here , hee hondo makunakuna hwiza hondo dzataigocha ... hee hee hondo " and the whole crowd bursts into singing and dancing . 

Young girls ululating while the youthies who had suddenly became comrades grinding the soil as dust gushes to skies . 

For the new converts , it's a wish for the soil to thaw you .

Holding a sjambok  , rose Patson Nyadza" Yasvika nguva yevaya vakadzoka mugwara rechimurenga , ngavamboita slogan tione" thundered Patson who had suddenly became a war veteran . 

By that time , a defeaning sound characterize the gathering . 

A gun shot breaks the silence as women mainly the elderly breaks into ululations presumably to cheer up Major Svoswe who was firing into the air . 

On election , day the Youths resembling the famous , " Imbumbule youths " who run amok under the doctorship of the late Burundi Pierre Nkuruziza ran through the communities singing war like songs 

With a disputed  and inconclusive election of March 29 2008 , it meant  an electoral  rerun was on the cards . However the harrowing and heinous events leading up to the June 27 presidential rerun brings vivid sad memories of a bad chapter to our country .

The late , Robert Mugabe who had lost the first round of election to  opposition MDC candidate the late Morgan Tsvangirai had set his eyes on returning the Presidency at whatever cost . 

Morgan Tsvangirayi  pulled out of the race  due to violence targeted against his supporters by state security agents , and Zanu PF party youths .

Each year on the 27th of June, Zimbabweans always remember the day and the memories are not rosy in any way as they are littered with sad pictures of tortured people as Mugabe sought to reverse the March presidential election result in which he was defeated by Tsvangirai.

 Mugabe would go on to claim victory and got sworn in before flying out to an African Union summit where he was told to sit down with Tsvangirai in what culminated in a government of national unit.

Even though, Mugabe negotiated with Tsvangirai and Mutambara, Zimbabweans still remember the events leading to 27 June as thousands of people were displaced, hundreds dead as soldiers and secret service agents were deployed across the country to reverse Mugabe’s electoral defeat.

As the world is still commemorating International day Against tourture and inhumane treatment , Zimbabweans have horror memories to recount. 

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