Saturday, September 26, 2020

Why I support the death sentence !!

"The person who does not deserve sympathy is the criminal who decided to commit the capital act (usually aggravated murder) in the first place" Keith Miller 2018.

By Llyoyd Takawira 
On 14 May 2017, Makatendeka Loveness Takawira(3) , went missing . What pains me most is that the same script to which , Tapiwa Makore (7) went through is the same script that Makatendeka Loveness Takawira went through. 

In the early hours of the fateful day mother , Loveness Mushayi , had just gone to the garden leaving the innocent soul in the hands of my younger brother Learnmore who is deaf . 

 Upon her return she couldn't find the little angel Makatendeka . The whole Chaminuka village searched only for her bruised body to be found dumped in a little pond 100metres away from our homestead .

 Her body was bruised , her eyes removed , her smaller

right finger removed , her lips meticulously removed leaving the teeth exposed , her right ear was also missing. 
Ritual killings are heinous . From that moment l became a strong proponent of ,"Capital Punishment" The pain of loosing a kid is so deep.

One needs not to be in the shoes of Tapiwa Makores parents to feel the deep heavy block that comes with loosing a kid , not because of a disease but because of a "dusvura" murderer.

From 2017 up to now , l became so bitter with murder cases , that l strongly support death penalty, or “capital punishment” if one prefers a friendlier term, as postulated by Keith Miller (2018) who argues that capital punishment is a strong deterent to ritual killings. 

 Everyone agrees that crime is bad and we need to stop it. This seems sensible and logical in every way, until we ask the question: do we need a death penalty to be ‘tough’ on crime? The answer for me is a big "YES".

The Case Of China ,Singapore etc While in Zimbabwe there is a spirited attempt to do away with Capital punishment ,the case of China , Japan , Singapore as well as Saudi Arabia etc where death penalty is still carried out by beheading, stoning, crucifixion, electrocution, shooting, or hanging statistically show ,low rate of intentional murder cases. 

 It is imperative to take a look at the advantages of the death penalty with an open mind in view of the pain being suffered by Tapiwa Makore's and my family . 

 Death Penalty Sends a Strong Warning It must be unequivocally postulated that , death penalty is a deterrent measure against violent crimes. Researches from criminologists are agreed that the presence of the death penalty is useful in mitigating heinous ritual killings.  

Relief For Affected Family.
The pain of loosing a family member to murder is so deep. Those who have gone through the process of loosing a family member knows what I'm talking about . l and my family members are still traumatized .

 Think of the Tapiwa's parents. My daughter Makatendeka Takawira and Tapiwa Makore and many others victims of these ritual killings demand justice for their killers . 
One needs to interrogate how many victims have been killed by Tapiwa Makore's murderer considering that they had an unclaimed human head . What it means is that , the notorious gang has been killing people around the country . This needs to be stopped by hanging the perpetrators . 

Ernest van den Haag, Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University argues that , Capital punishment is strong punishment as it sends a strong message to would be killers .He went on to say, “Whatever people fear most is likely to deter the most.” 

 The death penalty means that the affected family find some revenge hence hearing or knowing that , the person who took your relative also met the same fate does not re-victimize the affected family. 

 Death Penalty Eliminates the possibility of an escape and future victims. For example according to Keith Miller 2018 , Drug lord Joaquin Guzman, better known as “El Chapo,” had a long history of being captured and escaping from maximum security prisons tomenting his victims upon escaping prison.

 It is my hope and that victims of heinous murder get to see one day murderers guillotined as punishment for taking away precious life . 

 Llyoyd Takawira is a freelance writer . He can be contacted on +262771923115 . Email:

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