Friday, December 11, 2020

The predicament of a rural farmer .

By Lloyd Takawira 

At first glance this towering , conical peak Dorotoma mountain may remind you of the famous mountain in the mould of Kilimanjalo , or the famous Japanese mountains .

South of Dorotoma is a resettlement area which the Chigwede's have been residing for decades . 

Its that time again , a rapturous thunder bolted acampanied by a zigzagged lighting signaling the rain season has just arrived. 

The Waruma village just like many communities around the country have no cattle due to the ravaging foot and mouth disease which abliterated heards. 

All the years , the Waruma community prided themselves as the best farmers . However , this time its a going to be a hectic farming season. 

While they have been educated by the local Agritex officer , who has been helping them on the Pfumvudza program , the community has not shown interest in the concept arguing that , the program is archaic , old fashioned and labor intense .

For headman Chigwede Waruma , life hasn't been rossey as his remaing two donkeys were taken away by the Dutavanhu family after his son Charles Chigwede Waruma jrn impregnanted one of the Dutavanhu's daughter . 

As respected people in the community , they have to brew some beer and call the neighbors who have cattle to come and help them plough . 

Here is the predicament . The whole village is bearing the same brunt .Mombe dzakafa nechirwere .

" We are in a fix my son ," says Muzeza Chigwede Waruma snr with watery eyes . 

The two are seated underneath a big muhacha tree which is some few meters away from their yard .

"yanaya ka baba , tichadii*The rain season is upon us father , what are we going to do" the young Chigwede Waruma said in a low tone voice while chewing african bubble gum (dohwe).

Chigwede srn is mending his 1978 Ox plough which he bought in colonial Ankledon now Chivhu where he was a farm worker .

Chigwede senior , in a dejected voice replied, " my son l have never seen this in my entire life . We discussed this issue with your mother . I was thinking we can brew some beer and call our neighbors to help us . The problem as you know its only Bhalubha and Mutsvakabeva who have cattle . The rest are like us " 

As they are discussing their predicament , Titus a longtime friend to the Waruma arrives . 

" The heavens have smiled on us simboti , " said Titus with an exuberant voice 

He continued , "l knew with the heatwave that , heavy downpours are nearer" said Titus as he rests his buttocks on a fiber stool 

" My friend , we are happy that the heavens have opened on us . However , we are in a fix . All our cattles gone . When l remember of busvumani aaa l cry at times " said Titus as he sniffles .

The story , of the Waruma community is heartbreaking . It represent the predicament that many rural communities are grappling with . 

Most rural communities rely on draught power . However because of the cattle diseases that swept across the country most communities were left without even single cattle . 

While the government has been singing the Pfumvudza hymm . Research has shown that most people objected against , arguing the program is labor intense . 

For some , the rains have been a blessing in disguise while for some , its a catch 22 situation .

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